Monday, August 20, 2018

Middle age momming- What could that possibly be?  What do you mean?

Well I am not getting any younger that is for sure and as I creep up on 50(don't rush me I have 2 years) parenting begins to look a little different.  Let's be honest most things do.  I used to be crazed and chasing little people around daily. Now not so much.  B is a sophomore in college, loving her path, dating or not(who can be sure) a pretty nice guy.  R is a senior in high school this year and looking forward, sometimes not so excitedly, to college and adulthood.  J on the other hand is only starting 6th grade which leads to parenting in my mid years.

I know there are more mom's like me out there and sharing our passions and pains can be helpful.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

My wall. We all have one, let's be honest, at least one. Once they are there the only choices are living behind them or figuring out how to knock them down. This is my place to stop living behind and start knocking them down.